
Claire Qureshi

Project Lead: Biosecurity

Claire Qureshi works on biosecurity at Helena.

Her background includes global health, public policy, and strategy consulting. Most recently, she worked on the commercial side of biotech company Novavax, supporting the global launch of Novavax’s COVID-19 vaccine and leading the company’s partnerships with COVAX, CEPI, UNICEF, and PAHO.

Before Novavax, Claire had a ten year career in global health, working with Protik and Ray Chambers at the Office of the UN Special Envoy for Health. In this capacity, she worked with Ray’s broader team of philanthropists on community health and delivery challenges, both globally and in the U.S.

Prior to her roles in global health, Claire also spent time in the Obama Administration.

She began her career at McKinsey & Company, where she supported hospitals, health systems, and pharmaceutical companies. She received her MBA from Harvard Business School and her B.A. from Yale.