
Adam Robinson


Adam Robinson, President of Robinson Global Strategies, is the trusted personal investment advisor to the heads of a select group of the world’s largest hedge funds and family offices, advising on all global macro asset classes including global equities, US sectors, bonds, currencies, and commodities.


He is also Co-Founder of the The Princeton Review.

Robinson’s proprietary methodology—based on a radical market philosophy inspired by two key insights of Keynes and Buffett—transcends traditional analytic methods by using game theory to identify major trend changes in financial markets weeks to months in advance.

Robinson earned a law degree from Oxford University after receiving his undergraduate degree from The Wharton School. Upon graduation, he co-founded The Princeton Review, the legendary education company based on his revolutionary approach to taking standardized tests. Robinson’s first book on the SAT remains the only test prep book ever to have been reviewed by The Wall Street Journal or become a New York Times bestseller. Robinson delved into AI in the early-1990’s, developing software capable of analyzing and responding to students’ essays with human-like comments.  A rated chess master, Robinson was awarded a Life Title by the United States Chess Federation. In high school, he was mentored by the late Bobby Fischer in the 18 months before he won the World Championship.

Robinson is committed to helping transform the world during a period of increasing turmoil and is deeply involved in a number of philanthropies and social initiatives. He lives in New York City.  He is looking forward to releasing his first work of fiction this spring, An Invitation to The Great Game: A Parable of Love, Magic, and Everyday Miracles.

Adam Robinson







Robinson Global Strategies

The Princeton Review

Oxford University

The Wharton School