The Book of Eels

Patrik Svensson

Lorem Ipsum
Lorem Ipsum
Lorem Ipsum
Chronicling the journey through Helena’s book recs.

Yes. This is a book about Eels. It is absolutely fantastic, and I will recommend it until I die. Svensson is an absolute artist — he writes of his own personal journey trying to understand this incredibly fascinating, mysterious, almost alien organism, juxtaposing it with the many great minds (Aristotle, Freud, and the like) who have gone down the same path.

Everything about the Eel; its incredibly confusing anatomy, a mating cycle that took thousands of years of scientific history to even scratch the surface of, and its ability to travel great distances (land or sea) with determination seemingly unmatched among peer animals (or honestly any other life on Earth), makes for a read that is up there with a mystery novel. This is exactly the book I didn’t know I needed, but am very glad I picked up and read.