Effective Enterprise Leadership

Douglas Haynes

Chronicling the journey through Helena’s book recs.
  • Form: Hardcover
  • Page Count: 139

This was a really special opportunity — I recently had the pleasure of meeting Douglas Haynes recently, who has had an incredible career across government, McKinsey, in the investment sphere, and in the Fortune 500 community. Haynes, as a project to better encapsulate his learning, and share it with others, set aside time to extensively interview some of the world’s most prolific CEOs, mostly in the “enterprise” space of large, public companies, and try to understand their common themes are learnings.

He never published the ideas commercially (I think it absolutely qualifies), and instead bound it into a few copies and sent it to friends. I was lucky enough to get my hands on a copy, and really benefitted from it. The ideas are simple, some contrarian, eloquent, don’t name names, and stick to substance.